Frequently Asked Questions
What services does Phillips provide?
We offer high-speed offset and digital printing, full-service mailing, print design, data analysis, and fulfillment (online ordering).
How do I get a quote?
Visit our Request A Quote page to fill out a form and submit your project specs and contact information. We will call or email you if we have any questions. Quotes are typically emailed within 1-5 business days depending on the complexity of the project.
How do I upload files to Phillips?
You can upload files through our Upload A File page. Simply fill out the form and upload your file. It’s that easy! We get a department-wide notification that your file has been uploaded and we will call or email you if we have any questions.
We prefer a packaged InDesign file as well a press-ready PDF. If your artwork was not created in InDesign please send the native file format it was created in (i.e. Quark, Microsoft Word, Publisher, etc.) as well as a PDF of the document.
That’s okay. A press-ready PDF file is the preferred format for printing. Though our ability to make any adjustments, if necessary, can be limited. We will always let you know if there are any problems with your file.
If there are graphics that are on or close to the trim line (the edge of the piece), those graphics should extend outside that trim line by some distance. This distance is called the bleed. We require at least 0.125” of bleed. Bleed is necessary to accommodate any variance from sheet to sheet during printing and finishing.
You can use spot colors in your design but we will only print a spot color if requested or deemed necessary. Most pieces (besides stationery) are printed with four-color process (CMYK). If a file contains spot colors that are not requested or necessary they will be converted to process. Most stationery items, such as letterhead and envelopes, print as one or two colors and run on a smaller two-color press that is set up for spot colors.
No. Small black text should not contain any of the CMY colors. It should be set as 100% black or a screen (tint) of black for best results. Registration color, or 100% of all CMYK, should never be used inside the trim.
Yes. We recommend keeping all CMYK builds to an ink limit of 280%. If files contain ink limits above $280% our prepress workflow will limit ink levels automatically.
Rich black, or a black that contains process colors, should be used when there are large areas of black coverage. A rich black helps smooth out any variance in density. A rich black build we recommend is C50 M45 Y45 K100.
RGB colors and images will be automatically converted to CMYK through our prepress workflow. We recommended that you convert all images and colors to CMYK to give yourself a more accurate representation of what will be produced.
A letter-sized mailpiece can be anywhere from 3.5” to 6.125” in height and 5” to 11.5” in length. The aspect ratio (length divided by height) must be between 1.3 and 2.5. Some common finished sizes for mailpieces are a 4”x6” card, 5.5”x8.5” card, bi-fold or quarter-fold, 6”x11” oversize card, and a 4”x9” tri-fold.
We require a clear space that is 4.25” from the right side and 2.75” from the bottom of a mailpiece.
The area for the permit imprint or postage can be left blank if you do not have your own mailing permit. A 0.875” x 0.875” square is sufficient. We will fill in any necessary permit information.
Folded self-mailers must have the second to last fold on the leading edge (right side) of the address panel and the last fold on the bottom of the address panel.
We require at least 0.5” of gap for inserting. If your envelope is 9” wide then the insert should be no more than 8.5” wide.
We’re here to help! We have agency-level designers on staff with extensive experience in print design. Email us your thoughts, copy, photos, samples, or sketches on a napkin and we’ll take it from there.
If you have any questions about design or file preparation please email us or call 1-888-ASK-PHIL.

Phillips Printing provides lithographic printing with sheet sizes up to 28” x 40” and color/black digital printing with sheet sizes up to 13” x 19”.
In general, we put ink on paper and we mail it. We commonly produce business collateral such as brochures, flyers, pocket folders, and stationery. We also produce all types of direct mail pieces from self-mailers to postcards to inserted mailings and we handle all of the mailing in-house.
Yes. We have been a qualified G7 master printer since 2010.
G7 master qualification means that we’ve met a color and reproduction quality standard as set forth by Idealliance in commercial printing and proofing. G7 is a set of specifications for achieving gray balance and allows us to reproduce visual similarity across all of our print processes. In short, our proofers match our offset presses, which match our digital presses, which also match other G7 printers.
There are four general factors to consider when choosing a paper: type, weight, finish and color.
Paper type: Paper is categorized in two general types: coated and uncoated. Coated stocks have a coating that provides a smooth surface and reduces how much the ink soaks into the paper, this yields brighter colors and sharper images. Common coated stocks include gloss, silk, satin, dull and matte. Satin, dull and matte stocks are often very similar, and sometimes indistinguishable, between different paper manufacturers. Uncoated stocks are just that; they do not have a coating. This allows ink to completely soak into the paper and yields softer color and images. Uncoated stock is good for reading because it has no glare. It is also best for writing and is used for letterhead and other stationery items.
Paper weight: Also referred to as thickness, paper weight is often measured by pound within categories of text and cover. Common weights from lightest to heaviest are 60lb. text, 80lb. text, 100lb. text, 80lb. cover, and 100lb. cover.
Paper finish: The paper finish involves surface treatments that create or reduce texture. Finish is mostly a factor when referencing an uncoated stock. Common finishes include smooth, super smooth, vellum, felt, linen, columns and canvas.
Paper color: The most available color is white, as one would guess. Though, just as in paint, there can be several shades of “white.” Most coated stocks only come in a single shade of white within a paper line. Uncoated stocks, however, are available in several shades of white as well as a variety of colors such as natural, creme, pastels and vibrant colors from black to florescent orange. There are also specialty papers such as metallic and pearlescent sheets that come in a variety of colors and can add a level of sophistication.
Matte paper is a coated stock. It is similar to silk, dull or satin paper. The coating allows the ink to set up on the paper, producing brighter colors and sharper images. Uncoated paper does not have a coating, which allows the ink to soak into the paper and thus producing softer colors. Uncoated paper is best for writing, although both papers can be written on.
A page refers to one panel on one side of a piece of paper. A spread refers to two or more facing pages on the same side of a piece of paper. A sheet is the physical piece of paper. A four-page bi-fold would contain four pages, two spreads, and one sheet.
The flat size is the dimension of a piece after it is trimmed but before it is folded.
A signature is a printed sheet that is folded at least once, usually two or three times, to become part of a book.
If a perfect-bound book has 60 pages plus cover then that means there are 30 sheets of paper to constitute the inside pages plus the one sheet of paper that wraps around from front to back for the cover.
If a saddle-stitch book is a 48 page self-cover then that means there are 12 sheets of paper that constitute the book (four pages per sheet, all of the same stock). If the cover prints on a different stock than the inside pages then the book would be stated as 44 page plus cover. The art file would still contain 48 pages, but the name indicates that the cover should print separately from the inside pages.
Here are a few of the most common binding methods:
Saddle-stitch – Sheets are bi-folded and bound with two staples at the spine.
Perfect bound – Sheets are ground at spine and bound with glue to the cover forming a square edge.
Wire-O – Punched sheets are bound with a twin loop wire. This binding allows an opened booklet to lay flat.
Wire spiral coil – Punched sheets are bound with a spiral-wound metal coil.
Plastic spiral coil – Punched sheets are bound with a spiral-wound plastic coil.
Plastic comb – Punched sheets are bound with round plastic spines. This binding does not allow a book to open 360 degrees.
Typically, a spot color is used when a company has extensive use of a particular brand color that cannot be reproduced with CMYK. Or, if a piece has large or multiple areas of coverage of a particular color in which case a spot color may be used for consistency.
Yes. Printing a spot color involves additional plates, ink, set up, and wash up.
With the exception of exact reprints, we will send a PDF proof of your project to you before production. The PDF proof will contain an electronic approval form. This form has an email function that will create a new email to send your approval back to us.
A hard proof will be provided upon request or if deemed necessary depending on the project. Books typically require a hard proof, which must be returned given the time involved to produce.
It depends where it is in the process. With our state-of-the-art prepress workflow a project can be plated within minutes of receiving an approval. If a change is requested after approval the best way to contact us is by using our contact form or call 1-888-ASK-PHIL.
f you have any questions about printing please email us or call 1-888-ASK-PHIL.
Yes. We are a full-service mailer. We have several mail quality specialists on staff and extensive equipment capabilities to handle all types of mail such as postcards, inserted letters, self-mailers, flats, and more.
Phillips being a full service mailer does not just mean we offer a full line of services related to mailing. In fact, it means we’ve met a highly detailed set of regulations set forth by the U.S. Postal Service to submit automated mail into the postal system. This includes addressing pieces with the proper intelligent mail barcode components, sorting and preparing mail according to DMM regulations, and submitting all documentation electronically. In return for all that effort we receive postage discounts, which are passed on to you! In addition to postage discounts, our level of mail preparation allows us to expedite mail production and accurately track individual pieces of mail. That’s right, every single piece of mail we process is tracked by USPS delivery scans so we can tell you where and when your mail was delivered.
Do I need my own mailing permit?
No. You can use Phillips permit. We have authorization to mail bulk mail for other businesses and organizations as Standard Class, First Class, and Nonprofit. We can mail with a permit imprint, metered, First Class stamps, or precanceled stamps.
How do I pay for postage?
We require a separate payment for postage. This postage payment is the exact amount due to the post office and is in addition to print production and mailing services costs. We require a check or credit card payment* at least 24 hours prior to the mail date. For more frequent mailers we offer additional options such as a prepaid postage account or ACH transfer, please ask for more details.
*Additional fees apply when paying postage with a credit card.
What does mailing services include?
Mailing services include several things and can vary depending on what is involved in preparing your mailpiece. Generally, mailing services includes processing your mailing list, preparing documentation, addressing the mailpiece, sorting and traying the mail, and delivering it to the post office. These processes are necessary for your mail to qualify for automation and receive the maximum postage discounts.
Will you CASS and NCOA certify my mailing list?
Yes. We run every list through CASS and NCOA. It is part of our standard processing procedure and our databases are updated regularly according to USPS regulation.
What is CASS certification?
CASS stands for Coding Accuracy Support System. Its purpose is to evaluate and correct delivery addresses so that they match a USPS database of valid addresses. It can correct misspellings, simplify addresses, and amend ZIP+4 information. This helps to reduce delayed and non-deliverable mail through the postal system and is a requirement for full service automated mail.
What is NCOA?
NCOA stands for National Change Of Address. This is a database of recipients that have notified the USPS of a move and/or forwarding address. If an address is processed through NCOA and is determined to be a match, the address from the original mailing list will be replaced by the address from the NCOA database. The NCOA database is updated weekly and is a requirement for full service automated mail.
What if I don’t have a mailing list?
Phillips can help you purchase a mailing list. There are many criteria you can use to qualify or refine a list such as zip code, distance, household income, age, industry, etc. You may be surprised at how targeted of a list we can get for you. We also offer analysis, amending, and other data related services through our sister company, Phillips Strategic Marketing. Visit for more info.
Who do I contact if I have further questions about mailing?
If you have any questions about mailing regulations or mailpiece design please email us or call 1-888-ASK-PHIL.
No. You can use Phillips permit. We have authorization to mail bulk mail for other businesses and organizations as Standard Class, First Class, and Nonprofit. We can mail with a permit imprint, metered, First Class stamps, or precanceled stamps.
We require a separate payment for postage. This postage payment is the exact amount due to the post office and is in addition to print production and mailing services costs. We require a check or credit card payment* at least 24 hours prior to the mail date. For more frequent mailers we offer additional options such as a prepaid postage account or ACH transfer, please ask for more details.
*Additional fees apply when paying postage with a credit card.
Mailing services include several things and can vary depending on what is involved in preparing your mailpiece. Generally, mailing services includes processing your mailing list, preparing documentation, addressing the mailpiece, sorting and traying the mail, and delivering it to the post office. These processes are necessary for your mail to qualify for automation and receive the maximum postage discounts.
Yes. We run every list through CASS and NCOA. It is part of our standard processing procedure and our databases are updated regularly according to USPS regulation.
CASS stands for Coding Accuracy Support System. Its purpose is to evaluate and correct delivery addresses so that they match a USPS database of valid addresses. It can correct misspellings, simplify addresses, and amend ZIP+4 information. This helps to reduce delayed and non-deliverable mail through the postal system and is a requirement for full service automated mail.
NCOA stands for National Change Of Address. This is a database of recipients that have notified the USPS of a move and/or forwarding address. If an address is processed through NCOA and is determined to be a match, the address from the original mailing list will be replaced by the address from the NCOA database. The NCOA database is updated weekly and is a requirement for full service automated mail.
Phillips can help you purchase a mailing list. There are many criteria you can use to qualify or refine a list such as zip code, distance, household income, age, industry, etc. You may be surprised at how targeted of a list we can get for you. We also offer analysis, amending, and other data related services through our sister company, Phillips Strategic Marketing. Visit for more info.
If you have any questions about mailing regulations or mailpiece design please email us or call 1-888-ASK-PHIL.