Simply fill out the form with your contact information, click browse, or drag your file(s) into the window and click upload. It’s that easy! Once we process your file we will send you a PDF or hard proof for your approval before production. We will contact you if we have any questions. Remember to double-check your files to insure they are correct and that you are providing us everything we need. Here are a few things to consider when uploading files:
Art Files
Please provide a press-ready PDF for all print projects. (In addition to the native file format)
Press-ready PDFs should have 0.125” bleed minimum (if applicable) and all images/colors should be CMYK or spot colors if necessary. See our FAQ page for additional information about properly setting up art files for print.
Please provide native file formats (InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) if possible.
Fonts and links must be included with native formats. You can automatically gather all fonts and links in InDesign using File > Package. This will create a new folder containing a copy of the document and all fonts and links used in the document.
Folders must be compressed (zipped) before uploading.
If you have any questions about preparing or uploading art files, please contact us.
Data Files
Data files and/or mailing lists should be in a standard delimited format such as CSV (comma separated values), TXT (comma or tab delimited), or Microsoft Excel.
Each field (first name, last name, address, city, state, zip) should be in separate columns in Excel. Data cannot be processed when an entire address is in a single cell, such as label formats. First name and last name can be in the same cell. To see an example of an acceptable data format, download this sample data set.
Data results from filters within Excel must be copied and pasted into a new document. Saving filtered data to a flat format such as CSV or TXT does not retain the filter criteria. Excel filters will be ignored by our mail processing software.
If you want to eliminate any records from your mailing please delete them from the data before uploading. Simply marking them in the data is not recommended. A “do not mail” list can be uploaded as a separate data file or tab within Excel. An additional fee is required for processing against a suppression list or similar functions that are outside of our standard CASS and NCOA processing.
If you have any questions about preparing or uploading data files, please contact us.